Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Full Moon Eclipse August 2017

Its All About Cause and Effect

 You are only able to get as much out of something as you are willing to put into it personally. This 

includes love, it is just as important to take into consideration with anything else, that you decide to 

put your time and effort into. How much expectation do you have riding on the energies you are 

putting out there? Effort=Returns/Energy/Exerted.

Everything is cause and effect, literally. Ask yourself; What is the cause? Name it. Why? Remember

words empower things with their meaning, which is in its essence pure pregnant energy. What are 

you going to do with this power? What does your choice of a goal mean to you?

In other words; What is it worth to you, in time, effort, and on every level; Mentally, Spiritually,

Actively, Emotionally, and Physically?

Remember that every one of these words are Flag-Ships, and they have a whole load of connected

meanings that go with them, that are, "Inclusive".

For example: Mental; You will have to go the distance in learning how to do something new in order

to reach your goal. Like take a computer programing course, or you may have to go back to school.

You might have to learn how to communicate in a different way in order to "sell" your idea, your 

product, "your self" and to get your point across, or the respect you need, and deserve.

Ask yourself this; Is it that important to me? If not, why waste your time pretending that it is? If you

are not serious enough about your choice to go the distance, that's o.k. just don't lie to yourself about 

it by pretending to commit to something and not getting the training you need to finish it. 

This is self defeating behavior. It usually winds up in the same puddle; crying in your beer, or coffee,

to some other loser, with the same mind set, who wanted it all, without the personal investment of 

the total self's time and effort.

If you want something be prepared to give it all you've got, or forget about it. There are billions of

people out there just like you living mediocre lives, and the sitcoms that go with their misery, for


If you do decide to take that jump, this sense of commitment brings in the Spiritual/Active self at

it's best of the best, moving into how you Feel about yourself with every hurdle you cross and 

succeed at Physically Manifesting, moving ever closer to the culmination point of building, and 

living the actual Dream. It is, "All About the Journey" What is your choice going to be?

You can email me to make appointments at: sylviabogart@gmail.com

1. One question that is of the utmost importance, about (250 words) $25

2. Two questions that you desperately need answered about (500) words $50

3. Three to five questions, getting right down into it, about (1000 words) $100

I will need your birthdate/time; if you have it/and place to answer these.

I look forward to working with you.

Blessed Be.

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