Thursday, May 12, 2016

Telepathic Communication

Telepathic Communication

I hear you now, more than that, I understand the message. I receive the love, and I send it back to you. Over the Rainbow there is no barrier wall, when the Spirit comes to call, only Acceptance and Surrender, to the reality of it all.
Yet, here we are in this physical world, "The Land of Illusion" trying to get some kind of grip when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is ill equipped for any kind of support. It is a façade. A grand Gestalt, where the optics are never still, a chessboard made forever in hell. Is this hell? What exactly is that? A labyrinth built specifically to adapt, with trap doors and magicians crap, artifacts galore, trapeze artists over score, landing lightly moving the door, hiding the key as I reach out, laughing softly from without, as the invisible world locks me out. I twist and I turn like a fish in a net. There is no way out. They whisper fiendishly, "Have you not figured that out yet?"
That's when I remember the Bumble Bee caught in the triple Spider's web. She kept twisting and turning as the Spider kept trying to jab her with its poison. As I watched in deep meditation...I had asked my question earlier..."Should I just give it up? Am I deluding myself? Is it all just some big joke?" and then I had come out to sit in the garden, as I looked up I saw the Bumble Bee immediately caught in the triple Spider's web, and the Spider that watched her.
As I watched, the Spider went up the web and over the garden wall, the Bumble Bee rested for a moment, always on guard. Then to my amazement the Spider came back over the garden wall with three new Spider recruits. I never knew that they were militarily inclined, or worked together in teams for that matter. They surrounded the Bumble Bee in the four directions positions, in fright the Bumble Bee squirmed harder, actually violently making the web sway with her mechanisms of trying to escape. The four Spiders in military like precision, one at a time, jabbed at her trying to strike her with their poison, the Bumble Bee swayed left and right, and back and forth, as I thought to myself, "It's all over now but the crying." Almost immediately as I thought this thought, the Bumble Bee broke through and out from the Spiders web she flew, leaving the four Spiders swaying in the empty, broken web, in shocked, confused, and angry, defeat. This thoroughly pleased me. I laughed out loud.
I had to applaud, gleefully cheering the Bumble Bee on, as I thought to myself, or said out loud, I do not now remember which it was, probably both. I do know that I was grinning from ear to ear. "It's never over as long as you keep on trying, and never, ever, give up!" Then, I went inside and got my "Animal Speak" book by Ted Andrews and looked up Bee. It said in a brief adaptation, that "Bee is the champion of lost causes. Ya Gotta Love it! This Is Your Message! Do You Hear Me? Your Message! What Are You Waiting For? Get Moving, NOW! "It ain't over until the fat lady sings." Blessed Be.

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